Friday, April 25, 2014


Today (April 25th the day of the Gallipoli landing in WW1) is ANZAC day in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Arm Corps, (this name comes from the fact that in the first world war Australia and New Zealand's armies fought together as one). On ANZAC day we remember all of the soldiers who have died in wars fighting for Australia. There is an ANZAC day parade in which the surviving "diggers" march (a digger is an Australian soldier, originally from WW1 but now used to refer to all Aussie soldiers as the last original digger died some years ago) and some people go to a "dawn service" (special memorials held at sunrise). Most schools have a ANZAC day ceremony, and people eat ANZAC biscuits.

"Ode of Remembrance "

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest we forget


  1. It's really sad. Many many people always die in wars. We never start a war and have to avoid a war.

  2. Very true Masa. There are many scary event in the news recently. Russia/Ukraine China/Japan let's just hope it doesn't get any worse. Our generation doesn't understand just how bad war is.
