Friday, October 22, 2010

A brush with death...

In keeping with the HALLOWEEN feeling
Can you match these
with their correct meanings?
A. The DEAD centre
B. DEAD men tell no tales
C. DEAD on your feet
D. Never speak ill of the DEAD
E. DEAD set against something
F. A DEAD heat
G. DEAD to the world
H. Knock 'em DEAD
I. Over my DEAD body
J. A brush with DEATH
1. In a very deep sleep
2. Don't say bad things about the deceased
3. Very tired
4. Living witnesses may be dangerous
5. A tied race
6. To come very close to dying
7. The exact middle
8. Strongly opposed
9. To put on a stunning performance
10. I will never let that happen!


  1. These are really neat Phil. Great post!

  2. Hello, Phil. I knew F. A dead heat is no. 5. It is used for the almost same meaning as a tied race in Japanese (デッドヒート). But I did not know the meanings of the others before I checked them in a dictionary. A is 7. B is 4. C is 3. D is 2. E is 8. G is 1. H is 9. I is 10. J is 6. Thank you for a good quiz:)

  3. Well done Masa!
    Your answers are correct.
    And because you enjoyed it, I'll post another one like it soon, just for you.
