Friday, September 16, 2011

Murder Mystery Riddle

For all you wannabe detectives out there, here are a few murder mysteries for ya!

1. A man was shot in his car. All of the doors were locked and all the windows were up. There were no bullets holes in the car and there were no scratches or dents in the car. How was the man murdered?

2. A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.
The Cook claimed she was cooking breakfast.
The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.
The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.
The Butler claimed he was polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

(Hint: This murder happened in America.)

3. A man hung himself in a room with nothing in it. There was only the rope that he used to hang himself with and a puddle of water below him. How did he hang himself?

1. The car was a convertible.

2. The maid because there's no mail on Sunday.

3. He used a block of ice and as time passed the ice melted away, and he was able to hang himself.

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