Friday, October 25, 2013

More creepy kids

After finding a dead baby bird in the driveway from a nest up above, my 4 year old told me he knows where to bury it so it will come back alive.

“Daddy, when can we get rid of that kid hanging in my closet?” I asked her what she was talking about and she told me all about a teenage boy who was hanging by a belt around his neck in her closet. I went to her closet there was nothing there, and she said he is only there when I’m not around.

My son was crying in bed at 3 am and tells us he is afraid because there is a man in his bed. We ask him about the man and tell him to ask the man to go away. The following day he tells us the man’s name is Frank…my husband’s uncle who died the night before. Also later that week we were driving along in our van in complete silence and my son said “Frank’s here.”

“There are three dead kids buried in our back yard. They told me where we can find them.”

My child comes into the house with a baby gecko latched onto his finger. He proudly says “Look Mom he likes my finger.” I say “Get him out before he gets loose in the house” My 3yr old then says “No. I'm going to put him in the drawer with all the baby frogs.” “What drawer has all the baby frogs in it?” “Hmmmm…the one in your closet.” he says. I recovered 3 baby frogs from my bathing suit drawer.

My brother was giving all the kids candy. One of my daughter’s friends was over and my brother asked her, “you want some candy little girl?” She said, “you’re supposed to be behind a bush when you say that”

My son was crying in his room saying mummy Elmo keeps talking to me, I went in his room and tickle me Elmo was laughing…..ummm he had no batteries!!

“Mommy, there’s a kid covered in blood in my bedroom and he won’t go away.”

My son, Mason, told my fiancé he was going to cut his heart out and eat it.. He’s 3.

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