Thursday, October 22, 2009

North American Customs

Custom #9: Strange Foods

Many students ask me about new foods that I've tried in Japan, and whether I think some of the dishes here are strange.

The most obvious one they ask me about is natto, and yes it is indeed strange but you can find natto in Canada too! Actually one of my friends in Canada likes having natto for breakfast as a special treat every once in a while.
Octopus was definitely something new and different for me when I first arrived here, but now I've had it so many times that I can hardly imagine a life without it. The most exotic food I've tried in Japan is blowfish (or fugu). It was definitely an exciting experience, and was pretty tasty too. It's nearly impossible to buy blowfish in Canada, as far as I know.

Lastly, another strange food I've had while in Japan is raw chicken (or chicken sashimi). I couldn't really tell the difference between it and other fish sashimi that I had in the same meal. It wasn't bad, I have to admit. I've definitely never heard of anyone eating raw chicken in Canada. It's also really rare to eat raw eggs in Canada due to salmonella and other bacteria, but raw eggs are very commonly eaten here. This to me was very surprising.

What strange, exciting or exotic foods have you tried while abroad?

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