Saturday, May 28, 2011


It's the rainy season again,

so here are some "RAIN" idioms.

Can anyone tell me what they mean?

Right as rain

Come rain or shine

It never rains but it pours.

Raining cats and dogs

A rain check

rain on someone's parade

Good luck

*The picture is from an old movie


  1. What does the third idiom mean?

  2. Good question Masa.
    "It never rains but it pours." or
    "When it rains it pours."
    Is used to describe a situation when it is usually very quiet but occasionally very busy. For example, imagine you are at work and Monday & Tuesday are really quiet, then suddenly on Wednesday 10 different people give you tasks to complete. "When it rains it pours." It can also be used more abstractly, e.g., life is usually good, but when you have bad luck, it all seems to happen at the same time. (several unlucky occurrences happen together.) I hope this helped Masa & thanks for the question.
