Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Grammar Quiz

This is a question from my university text book. :Phil

Label the following sentences with these abbreviations.
n (noun), v (verb), adj (adjective), and adv (adverb)

          adj      n        v          v              n
1 The big horse is jumping the fence.

2 Mary plucked flowers for John's sister.

3 Lions and ostriches are found in Africa.

4 To think always accurately is a great accomplishment.

5 William promised Mary that he would lend her his grammar.


  1. Mary (n) plucked (v) flowers (n) for John's sister (n).
    Lions (n) and ostriches (n) are (v) found (v) in Africa (n).
    To think (v) always accurately (adv) is (v) a great (adj) accomplishment (n).
    William (n) promised (v) Mary (n) that he would (v) lend (v) her his grammar (n).

  2. Well done Masa! Super job!
    How about the "John's" in the first one? What do you think it is? Tough question :Phil

  3. That's a good question, Phil. I studied English grammar in English. "John's" is classified into noun. Technically speaking, it is classified into genitive or possessive case, right?
