I bet over half you reading this have said "yes!" And I'm sure a lot of you enjoy using your smart phone and are on it over almost every hour without too many problems. For those of you in Japan, you should enjoy this for now. In America, the demand for wireless data services is sky rocketing. Major cell phone companies in America have increased their cell phone plans by $10. Can you imagine your cell phone bill increasing by almost ¥1000? If that happens, maybe a lot of you will think twice before purchasing a cell phone. Or how about your data speed slowing because you have an unlimited usage plan? So basically a web page that took only seconds to load now takes over 2 minutes. Again, you will think twice about buying a smart phone.
This is what's happening in America and it's only a matter of time before this hits Japan. Smart phone users be prepared!
Cell phone companies in Japan have the same problem America has. In 2012, docomo and Au networks were down for a few hours because smart phone increased against their estimates. I heard they planed to invest a lot of money for network equipment in this year.