Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Word of the week
"A mixture of overreaction, overconfidence and herding causes investors to see growth where none exists and so pay too much for it. This implies that a low yield is a sign not of future capital appreciation and growth, but rather that the share is overvalued. History seems to vindicate this prediction." — From an article in Investors Chronicle, March 5, 2012
It's not surprising that the two earliest senses of "vindicate," which has been used in English since at least the mid-16th century, are "to set free" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "to avenge." "Vindicate" derives from Latin "vindicatus," the past participle of the verb "vindicare," meaning "to set free, avenge, or lay claim to." "Vindicare," in turn, derives from "vindex," a noun meaning "claimant" or "avenger." Other descendants of "vindicare" in English include such vengeful words as "avenge" itself, "revenge," "vengeance," "vendetta," and "vindictive." Closer cousins of "vindicate" are "vindicable" ("capable of being vindicated") and the archaic word "vindicative" ("punitive").
From Merriam-Webster Online
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Let`s meditate
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Language Police
Friday, April 20, 2012
Choosing what to eat
so called animal whisperer...

It kind of makes me mad when I see those people calling themselves hippo whisperers, lion whisperers, tiger whisperers or shark whisperers. We`re talking about animals here. Wild animals. And even though those people may think they have a special relationship with those animals they shouldn`t be surprised if they get attacked at any moment. No matter what, they are animals and therefore have this wild instinct that controls them. But that`s just my point of view. And reading several articles about people being attacked or worse by animals that they raised definitely confirmed my opinion!
Thursday, April 19, 2012

1. Would you like some help with those?
2. Do you need any help setting up the room?
3. Can I get you anything?
a. Actually, it's already done.
b. No thanks, I've already eaten.
c. Yeah, could you take this box?
d. A cup of tea would be lovely.
e. No, that's alright. They aren't as heavy as they look.
f. That would be great. Let's start with the tables.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
who likes a dentist?!

adj \ˈsə-təl\Definition of SUBTLE
Examples of SUBTLE
- a subtle difference in meaning between the words
- Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was.
- When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a subtle approach.
- He didn't seem to understand my subtle hints.
- It was her subtle way of telling me to mind my own business.
- She has a subtle mind.
Related to SUBTLE
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Momo e no Tegami
I liked the Directors last film Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade,
and I really love Yokai so I'm looking forward to this one.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Anyone for a drink?
but do you ever find that your beer gets
warm quickly in the summer months?
Well here is the solution, the beer cap.
It's ice foam that covers the top of you beer to keep it cool.
Although most of the heat probably
comes from your hand through the glass...
And you could always just drink it faster, problem solved!
Also why does it resemble poop?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Easter and chocolates

When I was a child my parents used to hide chocolates in the garden and my sisters and I were supposed to look for them and then eat them together. I loved celebrating Easter as a child! God knows I do miss my chocolates every year!! T-T But yesterday I discovered some coconuts M&M`s at the convenience store so that put a big smile right back on my face!
Quizz time
I have to cut down on fatty food.
a. pump
b. enlarge
c. bulge
d. encircle
The steak I ate at lunch still
sits (___) on my stomach.
a. weight
b. heavy
c. stumble
My 5-year-old son often gets an (___)
stomach by eating too many sweets.
a. awkward
b. upset
c. anger
d. uproar
Mom, isn't dinner ready yet? I'm (___).
a. empty
b. craving
c. pinching
d. starving
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sakura party at Ibaraki
Pop goes the weasel

rustling noise in the bushes next to my front door.
As I lent over the rail to see what was making the noise
a weasel jumped up onto the fence and looked straight at me.
We stared at each other for a few seconds
and then he turned and ran off.
What animals have you seen around your house?
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The "Real" Teppanyaki!
The "Real" Teppanyaki
So I used to think this was "real" teppanyaki. Meaning, in Japan, they would do the same thing. But, when I went to eat Kobe beef, teppanyaki style, it was totally different. The chef did not do any tricks nor did he make any funny comments. It was really serious. Actually this really surprised me because I thought all teppanyaki restaurants did fancy tricks.
Have any of you been to a restaurant like this?
Friday, April 6, 2012
Project Glass

It may not be the most fashionable pair of glasses but the functionality is certainly pretty cool. There is a youtube video as well that shows how these glasses work. It really is cool!
Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with --------.
(A) caring
(B) careful
(C) care
(D) carefully
Thursday, April 5, 2012
A T-shirt for This Summer

Yup, and you can check out to learn more about these shirts. I don't have one yet, but I am thinking of testing one out to see if it works.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Dubai and its high buildings
Word of the Week
- immense
- \ih-MENSS\
I often find it difficult to convey to the students in my science classes how immense the universe truly is.
"Even moderate rains -- and Rio is a city of immense downpours—turn many thoroughfares into rushing rivers...."—From an article by Jenny Barchfield in the Chicago Sun-Times, February 5, 2012
Just how big is something if it is immense? Huge? Colossal? Humongous? Ginormous? Or merely enormous? "Immense" is often used as a synonym of all of the above and, as such, can simply function as yet another way for English speakers to say "really, really, really big." "Immense" is also used, however, in a sense which goes beyond merely really, really, really big to describe something that is so great in size or degree that it transcends ordinary means of measurement. This sense harks back to the original sense of "immense" as something which is so tremendously big that it has not or cannot be measured. This sense reflects the word's roots in the Latin "immensus," from "in-" ("un-") and "mensus," the past participle of "metiri" ("to measure").
Word Family Quiz: What relative of "immense" begins with "d" and can refer to the length, width, height, or depth of something? The answer is ...