We hope to see you there!
You can count the items,
so you need to use the number word “fewer”.
These nouns are countable.
* "Ten items or fewer."
This is CORRECT.
If you can’t count the substance,
then you should use “less”.
These nouns are uncountable.
* "You should eat less meat."
This is CORRECT.
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of arrival, use “bring”:
* "When you come to the party, please bring a bottle of wine."
This is CORRECT.
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of departure, use “take”:
* "When we go to the party, let’s take a bottle of wine."
This is CORRECT.
Doesn't, does not, or does are used with the third person singular
- words like he, she, and it.
Don't, do not, or do are used for other subjects.
* "He doesn’t care about me anymore."
This is CORRECT.
Unless of course you want to sound like a
southern woman from the 1950's wild west...
Then you should say "He don't care 'bout me nomore"
This is INCORRECT, although commonly used, especially in American English.
The correct form is:
If + had + past participle, would + have + past participle
* "If I had known about the party, I would have gone."
This is CORRECT.
Oh and the picture is a little joke/pun,
if you can tell me what it is and how it relates to the post
you will win one million awesomeness points
which can be redeemed for a feeling of self satisfaction.
An adjective which means
Like a hedgehog
"The flock of birds is flying in a rather erinaceous shape."