Saturday, June 27, 2009
Rockin' Out!

Thursday, June 25, 2009
台湾にいってきました!!I Went to Taiwan!
My second favorite part of the trip was having a Taiwanese massage. It was so cheap! 90 minutes cost only 3000yen. The masseuse was very talented and courteous.
I got to visit Kaoshoun, and next time I want to visit Taipei. Taiwanese people were so friendly and I highly recommend visiting their country. Perhaps I will start learning to speak Taiwanese!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Yoshi

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!

Hope you have a happy and relaxing day Dad. xox
~ Rachel
Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009
And now for mountain metaphors!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ask us questions!!
Being polite is a culturally defined phenomenon and what is considered polite in one culture can often be quite rude or strange in another culture. An interruption is an abrupt stop in a conversation in which one person cuts short the sentence of another person speaking to share their own opinion. Interrupting is considered a bad habit for many English speaking people; however it is useful and perfectly appropriate at times while rude and impolite at other times. So when is it ok and when is it considered rude?
*Adults tend to get excited when discussing an important topic and impulsively interrupt the person speaking.
*Similarly adults tend to assume that they know what the other person is going to say next and interrupt by saying it before them; robbing the speaker of their chance to say it in their own way.
*Often people will interrupt aggressively if the speaker is talking nonsense or they do not agree with what they are saying.
*Interrupting is also a common way to change a conversation topic.
*Children might interrupt because they like being the center of attention or because of bad manners and not knowing any better.
It is considered perfectly acceptable to interrupt another person if it is to show concern or to clarify something you didn't understand. So please feel free to interrupt your teacher with English questions!!!
It's raining, It's pouring
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and heBumped his head
And he couldn't get up in the morning.
I hope you are staying dry during this rainy season!! Yesterday

Did you know that there are more than 16 million lightning storms in the world every year?!?
Rainy Season Vocabulary:

Drenched - soaked to the skin
Sopping wet - wet through and through
Dripping wet - soaked to the skin and dripping with water
Pouring - heavy rain
Raining cats and dogs - raining really hard
Friday, June 5, 2009